Sunday 26 January 2014

The Story of a toy robot

"Come on, you can do it! Knock him down!". A boy shouted. Another boy shouted the same thing back. The two friends are playing with their toy robots, making them fight with each other. "Oh, stop it! my arms and legs hurts" and "not my head again!". I yelled and cried in pain but the boys just would not stop. Yes, you guessed it! I am a toy robot.

My name is MFB3-21. I am blue, red and yellow in color with strong arms and legs. I look so cool and I am proud of myself. I was manufactured in USA, shipped to Singapore and I was placed together with the other robots in a toy shop. One afternoon, while most of the robots were taking a nap, the door flung opened with a big bang and a crowd of children rushed in and gathered around the shelf where the robots were displayed. I was chosen by a short boy, whose name is James. From their conversion, I knew he loves robots and I was excited to meet the other robots that he owned.

When I was brought home, all the other robots greeted me happily. I felt so excited and greeted them back and I thought I could live happily ever after. My happiness faded when James packed me into his bag and brought me to his friend's house. Oh no! They used their toy robots to battle. As I was new and strong, I had won a few battles and James boast a lot about me. One day, I lost in a battle and broke my arm. 

When he reached home, he cried that I broke my arm said that I could not be used anymore.  His mother told him to ask his older cousin if I could be fixed  There, I was fixed by his cousin and was able to move my arm again but James did not want me back. I felt so angry and sad.  

Soon after, I felt happy again. Do you want to know why? That's because his older cousin, Ken takes good care of me! 

So that's the story of a toy robot!

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